copy Spirituality

The spirituality of Catherine McAuley incorporated the great themes of Mercy and Justice. This was the legacy she passed on to all Sisters of Mercy.
The spirituality was very influenced by the work of St Augustine where he focussed on the prayer life that is developed within the person. As he wrote “Do not go outside but enter into yourself, for truth dwells in the interior self.”
He also said, “Your prayer is your conversation with God” and this was certainly the way Catherine encouraged all her Sisters in prayer. She totally relied on His goodness to her and trusted implicitly that he would bring good out of every situation.

There are many different ways of praying in our modern world – various pathways.  This website offers the visitor a variety of ways.

Another valuable resource for prayer is the Pray As You Go site – these short meditations take between 10 -15 minutes a day and reflect on one of the daily readings from Mass.

Another site to help us deepen our faith is “Thinking Faith”.