Our Voluntary Aided Secondary Schools in Liverpool

    Broughton Hall High School, West Derby, Liverpool

was founded in 1928 by the Sisters of Mercy who remain Trustees of the school.
It started as a girls’ Grammar School but is now a voluntary aided comprehensive school, which provides the very best in modern education for 1,279 girls, aged 11 – 18, based on the Gospel Values of mutual respect and care. ‘Cor Unum et Anima Una’ – One Heart and One Mind – is the school’s motto reflecting the strong sense of community amongst staff, pupils, parents and governors.

The Catholic ethos of the school permeates each of its aims, which are:
• To recognise, nurture and celebrate the unique gifts, dignity and potential of each individual;
• To develop a caring, joyful and friendly community in which all work hard and are happy;
• To achieve excellence through an education which is concerned with the whole person, and enables each person to develop spiritually, aesthetically, vocationally, physically and academically;
• To foster a strong sense of community by generosity of spirit, sensitivity and tolerance, forgiveness and compassion;
• That prayer and worship underpin the daily life of the school.
Under the leadership of the Headteacher, the school has achieved several accolades ranging from Liverpool Healthy Schools Award, Arts Mark Status, Investors in People Accreditation and the National Association of Advisors for Computers in Education (NAACE) mark for schools.

Broughton Hall has also played a leading role in the Government initiative of Networked Learning Communities. The school has worked with a range of Primary and Secondary schools as well as Liverpool John Moore’s University and other partners to extend knowledge about brain-based learning.


In September 1968


began as an eight-form comprehensive, the first in Liverpool, and was officially opened by Bishop A. Harris the following July. The building grew steadily over the years and blessing sections of it almost became an annual habit with the Bishop who opened the latest addition in 2006.

The school was helped in its earlier years with many devoted Sisters of Mercy whose number has dwindled, but almost from the beginning it has also been blessed with devoted lay staff. These appreciated the aims of the school and the pastoral system has always been among its greatest strengths. As its mission statement declares: ‘Maricourt seeks to provide and sustain a living catholic community which is rooted in Christian values and where growth and knowledge, respect, love and friendship are shared by all’

Pupils cooperate with the Mercy ethos and contribute to it themselves by their general friendliness and willingness to help. They support the ethos by their generous response to charity collections, the existence of an active school council, the development of Mercy Associates, the St. Vincent de Paul Society, the annual 6th Form Lourdes group for the help of sick and handicapped children, all of which are very important aspects of Maricourt life.
We are confident that, as the Mercy baton is passed to other hands, its unique spirit will continue to grow and develop.
